
本书就是在这些需求和挑战中创作而出的。本书整理搜集来自牧者的师母兼委身于服事的母 亲们在养育子女时实际的祷告内容。这些祷告都是取自于非常生活化而又琐碎的日常生活,句式简短,没有华丽的词句,给人一种平易近人的感觉,读本书时你会恍 然大悟说:「啊!原来大家是这么祷告的呀!」

但是我盼望这本书能够帮助孩子成为祷告的勇士,帮助父母成为神养育子女的好同工;我祈祷这本书能够成为那些希望为孩子穿上祷告彩衣和盔甲的父母最好的鼓 励;我也祈祷这本书可以帮助父母们透过祷告,将孩子成长过程的点滴交托在父神手中,使他们的祷告内容更丰盛起来;最后我也祈祷阅读这本书的每一位读者都能 够得享满有能力的祷告生活!

This book is produced in the midst of such needs and challenges. This book gathers and compiles the practical prayer contents that ministers’ wives and mothers who are committed in serving pray when raising up their children. All these prayers are derived from simple and down to earth day to day living experiences. They are short and simple sentences with no fanciful words and make you feel approachable. Reading this book you may realize in wonder, “Oh that is how people pray!”

It is my hope that this book shall help children to become prayer warriors and help parents to be great co-workers with God in raising up their children. I pray that this book shall be the best encouragement for those parents who wish to cloth their children with the colourful coat of prayer and armour. I also pray that this book shall help parents through prayers to surrender to the Heavenly Father the growing journey of their children, so that their prayer contents shall be more abundant. Lastly I pray that every reader of this book shall enjoy a powerful prayer life!

和妈妈一起祷告(下册)中英文(Praying Together with Mummy 2)

作者:金美香, 林恩实



尺寸:18.5cm X 25cm





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  • RM28.00