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当小雨来的时候 (中英对照)

刘丽红     译者 : 吴幕乡




来自台湾,挂著拐杖,穿著铁鞋的刘丽红,曾经因受不了别人的异样眼光而害怕出 门,封闭自己,直到认识了主基督耶稣,心门打开,从此改变了她的生命。虽然下肢行动不便,但在过去10年,柱著拐杖,穿著铁鞋,乘著歌声的翅膀,在多样的 曲风下,展翅高歌,舞动生命,分享感人的见證。刘丽红早年毕业于文化大学大众播系,现任佳音广播,制作,主持人。 2005年荣获台湾十大杰出青年奖。

小雨, 徐银娇的感人见证,她曾尝尽苦味,唱过哀歌,但感谢神使用她,让她不仅在基督里有盼望,也让她开口高唱安慰人的生命之歌。


目录 Contents

When Rain is coming

God’s love unties thousand of knots

She met her husband after she met Jesus

Learn to be brave and God gives her peace
















When rain is coming

“My mom said she would like to change her good legs with mine if she could…” Wearing her iron shoes with crutches, the crippled gospel singer Rain-Yin-Chiao Hsu choked with tears when she shared about her mom on stage. A lot of people were deeply touched.

“What! You didn’t know the seawater is salty? You are so ignorant!”
The classmates rolled with laughter in classroom. Only A-Chiao flushed with shame. She wished there was a hole she could get inside. Actually A-Chiao didn’t know the seawater was salty when she grew up near seaside in Guan-In country at Tao-Yuan since her childhood. Not only her classmates thought she was ignorant, but she thought it was so incredible by herself! Yin-Chiao Hsu didn’t dare to go anywhere because the people in her neighborhood disliked her….. 
The people of all ages and both sexes were busy in farming in her village of Hakka tribes forty years ago. The young and strong ones went down the farmland to work. The women and children were collecting peanuts, weaving straw ropes and raising chickens and ducks at big country yard with falling leaves at nightfall. Only A-Chiao had difficulty to walk because her right hand and two legs were bad because of polio. She usually sat on the threshold of the hall looking up at the sky absent-mindedly when she woke up. The gentle breeze blowing softly mingled with astringent taste, the little A-Chiao didn’t know if the wind or her life was bitter.
Until one day, her cousin, who was a carpenter, saw someone walking with crutches. He recalled his cousin in his hometown still crawling on the ground, so he tried to make two crutches with wood for her.
 “A-Chiao! A-Chiao! Come out quickly! Your brother made a pair of crutches for you! You can walk now!”
A-Chiao crawled out laboriously after she heard her mom’s urgent calling. She laughed happily when she saw the crutches for the first time because her mom and cousin told her she finally could stand up with crutches! A-Chiao tried to stand up with her mom’s support. It’s the first time she felt she could chin up and chest out confidently. But she fell down quickly after only two or three seconds! She cried willfully because she felt distressed after falling!
“I didn’t want to walk! I still can crawl on the ground! I don’t want it! I don’t want it!”
But her mom still insisted she should learn how to walk. She ordered her to practice until she could do it. A-Chiao started to learn how to walk step be step like a baby using crutches. Her mom always accompanied beside her and urged her to practice when her busy work was over. Her hard work finally paid off and she learned how to walk with crutches. But it’s only the beginning of the challenge in her life. 
Her dad and mom quarreled constantly at home over if A-Chiao should go to school. Her dad was against her going to school. But her mom hoped she could go to school to learn reading. On the surface, her dad thought it’s useless for girls to attend school. She could only stay at home. But actually he was afraid that his crippled daughter will be bullied by her classmates if she went to school. Nevertheless, A-Chiao finally went to school because her mom’s insistence when she was “ten” years old.
A-Chiao’s dad resigned and remained silent after her wife’s insistence. He usually hided at the workman’s hut in the fish farm and sighed secretly. However, A-Chiao’s mom tried to ride bicycle and took her daughter to school every day. The route they passed through was usually bank or wetland because their home was quite remote. They often tumbled down together because her mom couldn’t ride skillfully. But her mom still insisted on taking A-Chiao to school for study.
   “Yin-Chiao Hsu! I am the righteous one! Come to challenge me! Come on!”

[作者] 刘丽红
[出版社] 人人书楼出版社
[图书书号/ISBN] MB0207
[出版日期] 2013年7月
[图书页数] 72
[图书装订] 平装
[图书规格] 20.30cm X 18.20m
[所属分类] 见证丛书



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